Posted by: papaslap | July 14, 2015

Too long

This morning as I was walking with Lisa, my sword, I kept thinking when was the last time I posted anything.  My answer September of 2014, way too long.  It seems like the world is at war.  Angry with each other, angry with the government, angry with the way the environment is, angry with God.  So many of life’s distractions keep us away from the only important thing, knowing your Father.  I remember a time in my life when I was the prodigal daughter eating pig slop wondering if my life would get better.  Living a sinful life, and satisfying myself with whatever felt good.  Just do it.  You deserve it.  As long as it makes you happy, were the mantras I believed in.  Yet, I always felt an empty longing that wouldn’t go away and from time to time I would fall on my knees and plead to the God I had walked away from.  Now I couldn’t imagine a day without Him, and even with the trials and struggles I face, I know He is with me.  I love my Father.  I love everything about Him.  I would be lost without Him.  The old women I was needs to be reminded from time to time that she is dead, and that this new women walks in her place.  If Christ hadn’t died for my sins, I would be eternally separated from my Father because God is without sin, Christ is without sin, and I was born into sin.  God doesn’t see me and my filthy rags when He looks at me because I am happily clothed in His Son, Christ who suffered on the cross so I could be with my Father.  Every day I fail God, every day Christ covers me.  I can’t pay back the debt. I can’t do it myself.  I place all my hope in Christ, because God so loved the world that He sent His only Son to die for us so that no one should perish, so that we could have everlasting life with Him.  Think on Him.  Meditate on your Father’s words.  Knock and the door shall be opened.  Seek Him and you will find Him.  Thank you Father for adopting me into your family, for sending your Son into a sin filled world and saving me.  Bless my friends, and my family.  Bring those who are not in a relationship with you now close to you.  Gather your children in as a mother hen, and protect us from the hour that is coming.

Looking Up,

Diane Maldonado

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